Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Painting withdrawal

These last few days, I have had no time or energy to do any painting at all. Even missed my art class today. Tomorrow, our son and his new bride are coming for a visit, so have spent all of my time on geting this house in shape! Hadn't done much to it in a while, painting is so much more fun, therefore, it really needed help! Add to that the regular chores that must be done in the garden and for the birds and deer and that makes for very full, tiring days! I did manage to do a little writing but wasn't much at all. Once company leaves, need to dive right back in.
I have two paintings I want to do; both are flowers. One is a lace cactus flower. I have done this one before but wasn't happy with it so will try again. Another is an iris that I painted in class. Didn't like that result either, so want to give that another go as well.
In our small house, there is no space for a studio so all of my artwork is done at the kitchen table. When company comes, everything must be put away, making doing art next to impossible, unless I sketch, which can be done anywhere. Once company leaves, I will get all of my painting supplies out again, take over the kitchen table and be able to sit down and paint whenever there is a spare moment.
I see by the clock that it is about time to go put out feed for the deer. We like to watch them so put out a bit of corn and protein for them to snack on in the late afternoon each day. Lately, the does have been bringing their new fawns out so even more fun to watch.

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