Sunday, January 16, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Another long while since posting here. Not sure how I expect to gain followers if I never blog and seem to be repeating myself when I do. Need to work on that for sure.
The Christmas holiday was a busy one, company coming and going for two weeks. Took a while to get back in the art groove but have managed to do just that, completing two pieces in the last couple of weeks. Things are going well, so on a creative high right now, hope it holds!
Read a recent blog post by another artist that really made me think. She made the same remarks I have made, about working through the fear of making mistakes and rejection. Another comment she made, about always being an artist but not making any fine art for many years made a light come on.
I have posted before about having difficulty considering myself an artist, something I am not having as much trouble with these days. What struck home with me about her comment was that, yes, I too have always been an artist. It is just now, in the last few years that I have been creating fine art. My earlier attempts as a child were more as a hobby, always of animals and I, for some reason, never developed the passion for art that so many do. It has been a long time coming but the fire has been lit and is growing by the day. Perhaps it just has to do with confidence and now, that I am almost 60, I am finally figuring it all out!
I am just happy that I have found the art part of my life again and sorry I have let so much time pass. No regrets though, my life has been very full and wonderful and this is probably the best time for art to take hold.
My latest work can't be posted yet as it is for gifts. Have done nothing but graphite recently, kind of getting back to the basics as it were. Loving every minute!