Monday, October 10, 2011


I have no idea if anyone is still following this blog, I have neglected it terribly.  My extra time is spent on so many things but doing art comes first.  I read that last sentence and I know, deep down, it doesn't always but guess there are times when it can't.  Neglect the blog, not a disaster I suppose but, neglect working on art and skills get rusty and work suffers.  It is the same with relationships, neglect of loved ones and friends makes emotional distance and emptiness.
This past several days, I spent in the company of good friends who are also artists.  We have relit our fires by setting goals and with promises to keep up with each others progress.  There is support and friendly urging to keep on task.  Working alone in a studio is OK but knowing that support and encouragement is there and keeping in touch with it keeps me going.
The next time I post here, will have a photo, either of a finished work or a WIP!  Goals!

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