I am waiting for a layer of paint to dry so will write a bit during that time. The art class painting I finished is shown at left. It was a fun painting to do and, although it isn't a type I would normally do, learned a lot by doing it. Best of all, it was fun.
Finding myself enjoying painting more and more, wanting to paint more often, resenting things that interfere. Have to stop that resentment though, there are things that have to be done, after all, can't paint 24/7.
Sure would improve faster if I could, though!
Doing a small painting of Bluebonnets, two blue and one white. Yes, there are white Bluebonnets but not common. Found a few on our place a couple of years ago and took some photos. Now trying to translate that with paper and paint. Might be a little tedious, Bluebonnets have a lot of small parts and my paper is 4"x6", but hope to be able to manage it. If I can't, will try larger!
Oh, how I wish that I had kept up with art in all of those years since college. I would be so much further along in the process, more accomplished- but at least glad I found it again. Lots of lost time to make up for. Back to it!
Hi Linda! Oh, how I also heard myself when you lamented those lost years of not keeping up with your art! I have the same regrets, and I can hear my mother admonishing me from the Pearly Gates to quit wasting EVEN MORE TIME thinking about it, and just get busy. Can't you hear her, too? Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who sometimes kicks herself. :-) Glad you had fun with this.